Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Find Myself Drifting...

I find myself drifting in the vast space of memories past
when my two little girls on each 14th of February
would question why no young man would admire
their beauty and downright adorable cuteness;
No prince or popper who would brave the ridicule
of exposing their crushes and chivalry that was due.

I could almost hear their prayers the night prior;
as they would wish they could, wish they would,
meet their handsome prince tonight…

As morning came, and with it Valentine’s Day
I would see them off to school;
All dressed up, hair in a doo, ribbons and curls;
nothing but a Daddy’s “I love you.”
I meant it!  Every word and gaze of admiration
but I was not, nor would ever be
their handsome prince from far far away.

But as they would scurry off to class,
unaware that this Dad had his own plans
to lavish his love on em anyway.
For me this day was a day of shopping,
hunting cards, candy, and flower.
My heart would skip a beat
as I would choose each color
to match the vibrancy of  their beauty –
inner and outer…

The investigation would continue
as I longed to discover
ways to express their worth and value;
things no young man had yet bravely attempted.
I would rush home with excitement
to display my boyish marvel
of these two beautiful little girls
who simply longed to be wanted.

I enjoyed every minute, each year,
as Father Time would allow
to display each item in sequence
in bedrooms for them to devour
when they arrived home from school
always more tangled than earlier.

It was in these moments I cherish the most
when they could for a brief minute
see through my eyes
a true father’s love and awe struck attraction
that would remain as it should
through the test of time.

~2011 Vaughn Wood

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