A broken reflection dims
the resemblance of what was
and is, on the badly lit arterial
where his schwinn grins
upon oncoming traffic.
The warning of a moving object
in a steady uphill, peddling battle
only to coast freely
down the welcomed descent.
Saddle bags tolerate the weight
of laptop, files, and manuscripts
that will be displayed studiously
on a vacant library, laborsome table.
Pages of broken reflection
of past published notation
will be read rapidly as assigned
but not easily comprehended;
bearing in mind the impending examination
of concepts and hoards of information
inevitably scheduled and forthcoming
as implied on the dreaded syllabi.
A glimpse of a broken reflection
of self in a window nearby
interrupts all study and reason
of a man who’s barely getting by.
Fatigued and in the moment
He fails to recognize the face
wondering how he happened
into this quiet place
that resembles nothing
of all his yesterdays.
His gaze is broken up;
a broadcast - “the library’s closing,”
and he is all too aware
tomorrow will be a mere
broken reflection of the same
new ordinary.
It’s a dark, cold ride home
with hands firmly gripped;
a broken reflection dims
the resemblance of what was
and is, on the badly lit arterial
where his schwinn still grins
upon oncoming traffic.
The warning of a moving object
in a steady uphill, peddling frenzy
only to coast freely
down the welcomed descent
toward a space he calls
~2011 Vaughn Wood
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