Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Flawlessly Imperfect

Life is not a difficult puzzle that we finally master
Or a list of goals and possessions we finally acquire
It is the paint spatter outside the lines of disaster
Beautifully radiant where it lies
In the company of one’s own imperfection

Life is not a record of wrongs and rights
Or a long delay before the final curtain
It is then, now, and whenever
Romantically savored, full of flavor
When perfectly happy with imperfection

Life is only devalued when perfect is the standard
And genocidal elite believe their own distortion
Forced entry of the impossible
Societies venom, well-aimed ammunition
Humanities slow burial in the filth of status quo

Life is not an ongoing journey of getting every answer right
Or a painless world that crawls in bed each night
It is a gift of order and disorder, chaos and calm
Lasting no less than one’s own lifetime
Perfectly happy with one’s own, and others, imperfection

~2012 Vaughn Wood

1 comment:

  1. coming from a imperfect person who's life is always filled with disorder and chaos, I think this is great.
