Monday, August 1, 2011

It's As If I Willed The Sun To Rise Today...

It’s as if I willed the sun to rise today
The morning makes a bold declaration
As we parley a pact with mutual intention
To live and love as one
To co-exist without restraint, cooperate
It’s the dance of what is and is to come
Fully discovering the mystery of being human

I stumble trying to keep in perfect time 
I am man and I am woman
I am old and I am young
I am friend and I am enemy
I am alone and I am many
Fully moving to the mystery of being human

Yesterday I sold my soul to all that is evil
History’s gaffes repeated till
This morning I willed the sun to rise
An effort to make all wrongs right
Some broken beyond repair
Fully accepting being human

Never giving up or giving in
It’s as if I willed the sun to rise again
The morning makes a bold declaration
As we parley a pact with mutual intention
To live and love as one

~Vaughn Wood 2011

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