Wednesday, June 15, 2011

tough choices make stronger people

Choices are full
of unidirectional opportunities.
They can also be the toughest obstruction
a man can ever encounter.
Priorities play a major role in the choices we make;
the battle ensues between one’s heart and head,
knowing that what is right must win
over what one wants in the end.

What does one do
when what is right and what one wants
are not analogous? 
Back to the quiet
to determine in the present
that which is right for the some;
because some people need to truly matter,
and do.

Choices are full
of despondent moments,
and others are full of delight.
The potential outcome
of how one may likely feel
should never determine a preference;
for it is the company of pain and discontentment
that true character is built.

Choice leads to transition
and transition leads to change.
Change gives birth to inner chaos
and inner chaos leads to honesty...if you let it.
Honesty leads to pain
and pain leads to perseverance.
Perseverance leads to hope
and hope leads to a new beginning.

New can only arrive
in the arms of good choices
painfully made.

~2011 Vaughn Wood

1 comment:

  1. Very well said.. and i cant agree with you more. the choices we make can affect not only our life but the people we chose to bring in it, or even the people we chose to let go. hard decisions sometimes need to be made,, " do I follow my heart or my head, who gets hurt and who will happy," all anyone can do is hope in the end, we make the right choice, without hurting anyone if it can be helped.
