Saturday, May 7, 2011

wisdom from my mom....

(My folks - Charci & Randy)
Perhaps the greatest gift of being middle-aged is the opportunity to truly look back over the years and reexamine the lessons learned and wisdom poured out by so many in our lives.  My mom easily makes the cut of several who have been the most influential in my life.  The following is a brief list (only 10) of things I've learned from my mother, all of which she has experienced and lived as a shining example endlessly....

1.  A servants heart is the key to faithfulness.

2.  Our children should be treated and loved the same when they fail as when they succeed.

3.  Never give up on anyone that God hasn't given up on.

4.  Don't give food to the homeless, provide a feast.

5.  It's better to be a bit overdressed than under dressed in any situation :)

6.  There's no better diet than the new one you are on :)

7.  Prayer works and should be a family recipe that's cooked up often and passed down from generation to generation.

8.  Every child deserves the chance of a quality education, no matter the cost.

9.  The key to keeping your head above water is to never veer into the deep where your feet can't stay firmly planted on the ground :)

10.  Love your enemies and those who have spitefully used you.


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