Monday, April 30, 2012


It begins with a notion
a view of things unclearly
an assumption or two that surface
building to a loud crescendo in your head
conception of a misguided conclusion

Your body can’t help but retort
head throbs meting out the confusion
tight shouldered and stiff necked
stomach sours
legs demand to be reclined
an assumptions crude lullaby

Anger is born from such irritation
gathering mental images of recent conversation
and much needed confrontation
price of such opinion shimmers
exhaustion thickens
dangerous conclusions made in the fog

Your body can’t help but retort
lungs cry out for you to breath
pulse screams for relief
ears ring a warning
you’ve spent too long in the dark

Sensibility makes an entrance
inhalation awaits your reluctance
your estimation will be today’s annihilation   
the Friend in you exhorts promptly
conquer it
before it conquers you  

~2012 Vaughn Wood

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